She said, amongst other things, that the age difference was beginning to bother her, that we were distancing at an exponential rate. I had never felt that, I stay fit, cycle, hike, and don’t weight much more than what I weighed at 21. I could keep up with her in most things.

Having a relationship with an older man without the focus being on raising children gives you the ability to really bond and connect with no distractions. What this means is that it’s an evolutionary pattern that women are drawn to older men, in part because of their status and resources. It goes back to that confidence thing.

Advice on Dating an Older Man

She is 70 and could not believe how many men in their 40’s were calling , many were very nice looking. She is still quite sexual and has had several men much younger, says she feels like 30 again. She said ” They are like bees around honey” I advised her to let them taste the honey and they will always come back ! She dates many different young guys because as she said “I could never just date one guy”. Most people think I’m early to mid 40s. I’m not attracted physically to women my age.

Don’t Talk About Your Previous Relationships

I am getting tired of putting my own neck out there. I have been burned too many times and the pain of rejection is getting to be too much to deal with. People’s expectations are too high and too selfish, and being too nice actually scares men off, I have found. I want someone who generally has a positive outlook.

And another warm body does not automatically make a meaningful, enduring match, she points out. Considering how many relationships you’ve experienced by the time you reach your 50s, you might find yourself comparing all new partners to the old ones, and that can be a form of self-sabotage. When you’re younger, compromise is an ingrained part of daily life as you grow and evolve. Dating in your 20s was about just plain fun. But dating in your 50s can mean juggling romance with the responsibilities of caring for children, or parents, or maybe even both. Your 50s is “the sandwich time between kids and aging parents,” says Saltz.

Spend time with people who care about us and value us not because we’re “eye candy” or ego boosters for some man’s arm. Beware of men who openly look at younger women. They’re not the kind of partner, or even friend, that you want.

I probably won’t hear from him again. Rejection really hurts, and I am so tired of it. I tried once again to offer a man what he claims to want, but like all the men I have met in my life there are conditions, ones I can’t surpass.

I tend to not approach the top 10% of women in looks, the ones with the perfect body, the perfect wardrobe and the perfect makeup because they tend to be high maintenance women. Because no woman comes into a man’s life alone, by herself. That marriage license brings THE STATE into your life along with your new wife. From then on, the threat of divorce, financial ruin, loss of your children and the threat of government-enforced extortion hang over your head like the sword of Damocles.

You know I guess I have a different attitude than a lot of older men. We probably all need to feel loved a appreciated by someone whether it is someone our age or someone younger or even older. I can be attracted to someone younger than me or someone close to my age or older if the chemistry is right but I want it to be real not just about sex. I know when I was young the driving factor was someone that appealed to me but might not have been serious about a relationship but I passed through that period and wanted a serious meaningful union. When I got married I didn’t feel I wanted or needed someone else.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

All my hair, over 6 ft and I look good I think – . I guess God has a plan for me – I’m thinking of going overseas because I hear men my age are pursued. I feel invisible in the states and being a white is no longer respected in the US. I know I am not entitled to anything, or deserve love….but it sure be nice to have a woman a woman in my arms again. The lack of effort on their part has to be seen to be believed.

Said that BBW will do anything that’s why men are seeking this types of women now. I know it’s horrible but just so you BBW know and are aware of the intent and stay clean or clear of these users. I am 56 years old & am a Christian as well. Do not like being alone & am certainly not looking for a straight male who is all about sex! Having a kind, gentle heart & giving spirit is very the kind of person I am.

And going out and finding love again has become very extremely difficult for me since it isn’t easy at all nowadays. The other guy is only a couple years younger than I am and has known me for some time but only in a casual setting. I asked him if he wanted to get together and he was open to it. I put the hint to him three times over 5 years and I left it up to him. He doesn’t have a partner yet never once did he call me.

Why is dating an older man better?

When you find your someone, you WILL appreciate them more and they will recognize it. In the meantime I have come to the conclusion that it’s ok to be alone. I have no intention of wasting my time and energy parading myself around local establishments. I have tried the grocery store, book store, and car shows in the past. I also no longer converse with men on any online site, and these are non dating sites. I am truly done trying to chase men down to show them I am a quality woman.

Research-based predictors of divorce are criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling. Gratitude can boost happiness and strengthen relationships. Most relationships do not end by mutual agreement. A withdrawing partner often becomes even more inaccessible when pressed for reasons. You may have seen my introvert dating and confidence advice in Forbes, CBC News and HuffPost. All that is to say that I know a thing or two about dating after 50.

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